The mission of Q Place is to mobilize Christians to facilitate group discussions with spiritual seekers so they can find God as revealed in the Bible.

We help Christians start groups for spiritual seekers.
In our culture today, where can someone go and have a non-threatening conversation about God?
That’s what Q Place groups are all about, getting together on a regular basis to talk about spiritual questions—questions about life, God and the Bible.
Q Place staff and volunteers train group facilitators to set the stage using time-tested guidelines and great questions that spark safe, engaging discussion. Solid inductive resources provide structure for participants to discover truth for themselves at their own pace.

What Is a Q Place Group Like?
Imagine your own group where everyone can discuss spiritual questions and talk about what life’s all about without feeling judged. Imagine dialoguing honestly about beliefs and doubts with a community of friends, and instead of being the expert, you have a front row seat to see God at work.
In a Q Place group, leadership is shared among two or three Christians who invite their friends to come once and see what this kind of group would be like. They create a safe environment where people who believe differently come together to see what the Bible has to say and to process what they believe. Everybody listens to each other. Everybody discovers. Everybody grows.