The Art of Loving People in Your Path
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Every year on Valentine’s Day, Brenda follows her typical path of running errands, but the day takes on a new dimension as she gives small gifts with a simple message to the people she meets along the way.
One year she filled two baskets with 48 packaged gourmet cookies to take along. A simple handwritten note was attached with ribbon to each cellophane-wrapped cookie:
“Happy Valentine’s Day and God Loves You!”
“The previous year it was roses instead of cookies,” Brenda remembers with a joyous, glowing smile, and then adds, “but I don’t think roses were really a hit with the men.”
In the year of the cookies, when she got to her first stop—a grocery store pickup for a local food pantry—it was a good thing she had cookies instead of roses, because a bunch of men were dropping off food. Brenda started handing out cookies, and one middle aged man glanced at the tag on the package and then stated that God is no longer around.
“I asked him why he felt that way, and he said he felt like God couldn’t be seen in the world around us.” A few others jumped in with comments and suddenly there was a great discussion.
“It was awesome listening to these men talk about their experience with God while unloading their food, beer and pop. And before I left I got a lot of thank yous and a hug!”
The next person in Brenda’s path was a crossing guard.
“When I handed her a cookie package, she cried and said that this had made her whole day! I listened as she opened up about the tough times her family is going through. She thanked me for listening, and before I left I reminded her that God loves her and her family!”
The next stop was Taco Bell where every employee got a Valentine’s treat.
“I got high fives all around, and one of them thanked me for really seeing her! She told me that so many customers put in their orders while talking on the phone or yell at her if the food isn’t fast enough.”
After Brenda left the counter with her order, she gave cookies to an elderly couple sitting at a table, and they invited her to join them. Soon they were sharing their story, starting with having been born in Turkey. They couldn’t believe that she was giving them Valentine treats—free.
“We had a great conversation about how God is in charge of this wacky world and we don’t have to worry.”
Brenda’s final stop was at Aldi to pick up groceries for her family. There, an elderly man hadn’t gotten a Valentine since his wife had passed away, and Brenda got a little hug and dance!

For Valentine’s Day 2025, Brenda has 100 sand bucket & shovel sets ready to fill with packets of candy and Hershey’s Kisses. She’s writing “God Digs You” on the buckets, and she’s excited to see what kinds of connections will happen this year.
All through Valentine’s Day God’s love pours through Brenda to every person she encounters. And you can bet that at the end of the day, those individuals have a surprising good news story to share with someone they know AND a reason to be open to future conversations about God!
You many not be a “Brenda,” but a little creative thinking to impact those around you could also lead you to a day of meaningful connections.
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